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Philippe Til is a fitness entrepreneur & educator, best selling author, product inventor and content creator whose expertise in the field of mobility training, corrective exercise and general physical performance has been sought globally in the media as well as for a variety of organizations, from professional brands and government agencies to gym chains across the globe.


Philippe’s fitness background started over 20 years ago.

Career Building

The process of inventing and later bringing the ProBar to the market is the classic story of the start-up business.

Who is Philippe Til

Philippe Til is a fitness entrepreneur & educator, product inventor and content creator whose expertise in the field of mobility training, corrective exercise and general physical performance has been sought globally in the media as well as for a variety of organizations, from professional brands and government agencies to gym chains across the globe.

As a subject matter expert, Philippe contributed to the update of educational materials and testing for the National Academy of Sports Medicine as an item writer and content reviewer. He has also provided a global platform to Georges Hébert’s Méthode Naturelle by translating his early works into the English language at the prompting of one of his many mentors, Dr Ed Thomas, who saw him as a logical “fit” as an expatriated Frenchman versed in physical education. Hébert’s Méthode Naturelle (a.k.a Natural Method) is the inspiration behind Erwan Lecorre’s MovNat, and the translation of Hébert’s work prompted a collaboration with his descendants, eager to continue spreading the philosophy and message of their grandfather to a worldwide audience, through Philippe’s network and business acumen.

Who is Philippe Til

About Philippe

Philippe’s fitness background started over 20 years ago. As an avid martial artist for over 30 years, Philippe would practice various arts and also teach Ninjutsu (art in which he holds a 3rd degree black belt. He also has a black belt in Shotokan). After a series of spinal injuries caused by hard training and car accidents, leaving him with a multitude of disc herniations and nerve
damage, Philippe found his calling and sought the necessary certifications and education to help others get in the best shape of their life while avoiding the risks and pitfalls of poor training.

Consulting Works and Contribution

Philippe works in various capacities with a multitude of fitness companies and products,
providing consulting services in the creation of educational and social media content, live
workshop instruction, on-set fitness training for commercial production, as well as leveraging his
network with manufacturing, international distribution and more.

He has also contributed and consulted for articles for Self magazine, Exercise TV (exercise videos and weekly online column), taught at the first PrimalCon for Mark’s Daily Apple’s Primal Blueprint (original edition), including guest blog posts for Joe Nimble’s footwear, as well as Movement Mornings, LEO Training and The Lean Beret’s podcasts.

Past and Present Brands Associations

new era
Leo training
Exercise TV
TE3 mobility
5-11 Tactical military
Joe Nimble
Probar mobility
AFAA Provider
Optimum performance studio
Lean berets
NASM Provider



Philippe is the inventor and creator of the ProBar Mobility training device, a professional bar-based mobility system that is an all-in-one tool for the fitness & health professional as well as the fitness enthusiast. The patented tool is a versatile piece of training equipment that can be configured a variety of ways to adapt to the modality or intensity of training required, as well as to creates levels of difficulty (from resistance to range of motion adjustments). The ProBar’s simplicity is its greatest advantage: its activation instantly delivers proper muscular engagement where it’s needed, while de-activating overactive muscles that cause movement dysfunction or imbalances commonly experienced by the majority of the population. At the same time, it allows anyone who uses it, be they a weekend warrior or professional athlete, to warm-up & mobilize their joints and muscles and step up their game. Results happen not in weeks,months or years. They happen in minutes, if not seconds! Tall order? You bet. Truth? Try it and
verify it!

Philippe Til

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